The relationship between businesses and society is continually evolving in today’s interconnected world. The Business of Society (BOS) delves into this complex dynamic, striving to better understand the responsibilities and roles businesses play within the broader community framework.
Situated within the CBS Sustainability Centre at Copenhagen Business School’s Department of Management, Society and Communication, BOS blends academic rigour with real-world exploration.
Our areas of interest span from corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability, to the changing face of sustainable consumption and the nuanced roles governments play in corporate decision-making, to name a few.
We are committed to sparking informed discussions, facilitating thoughtful reflection, and ultimately, catalysing meaningful change in the way businesses operate within society. We regularly invite guest contributors, allowing us to integrate contemporary research and diverse viewpoints into our platform.
Meet the editors

Andreas Rasche
Andreas Rasche is Professor of Business in Society at the Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility at Copenhagen Business School (CBS) and Research Director of the CBS World-Class Research Environment on “Governing Responsible Business.” He holds a PhD (Dr. rer. pol.) from European Business School, Germany and a Habilitation (Dr. habil.) from Helmut-Schmidt-University, Hamburg.

Verena Girschik
Verena Girschik is Assistant Professor of CSR, Communication, and Organization at CBS Sustainability Centre and the Center of Business and Development Studies.

Sarah Netter
Sarah Netter is the Centre Manager of the CBS Sustainability Centre and the Centre For Business and Development Studies.

Melissa Kälin
Melissa Kälin is Student Assistant at the CBS Sustainability Centre.
The Business of Society
CBS Sustainability Centre
Copenhagen Business School
Dalgas Have 15
2000 Frederiksberg