These are the stories from the two divided camps in the Faroe Islands – please give your take on this dilemma. Should the Faroese explore and produce oil in the Faroe Islands that will contribute to global energy safety and stability to an ever growing global energy demand? Or should the Faroese stop this process […]
Árni Jóhan Petersen
The Faroe Islands = UNspoiled, UNdiscovered, UNbelievable. The Faroese Oil Industry = UNdisputed, UNquestioned, UNchallenged
The Faroe Islands are economically dependent on a clean environment for their fishing industry but up to now the community has not challenged the potential downsides of the Faroese oil industry. The consequences of the oil industry could have negative effects on the nature and thereby the future of the community in the Faroes. Why […]