In this first episode of our Business of Society Centre Sessions podcast, centre manager Sarah Netter and PhD Rikke Rønholt Albertsen talk about the PhD journey, paradoxes, tensions, and the importance to “find your tribe”.
Environmentally Sound and Financially Rewarding? Key Findings From an Exploratory Study on the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi)
The Science-Based Targets initiative aligns firms’ emission reduction targets with a net-zero emissions pathway. Firm commitment yields significant abnormal returns which are larger for firms committed to larger emission reductions and for high-emitting firms. The IPCC’s sixth assessment established a code red for humanity and provided mounting evidence of widespread, rapid, and intensifying climate change. The Paris […]
Constructing Social Portfolios: A Quantitative versus Screening Approach
When we talk about ESG, one could argue that there is a strong bias focused on climate investing, reaching net zero targets as well as good corporate governance and diversity themes. But there is much more to ESG. The “Social” dimension of ESG is hugely under explored and developed and covers under studied issues such […]
Corporate Social Responsibility and Societal Governance
Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine reminds us that corporate social responsibility (CSR) is both a reflection of the times we live in and also dynamic! Numerous corporations, acting in response to social and political pressure, are withdrawing from Russia on the grounds that human rights, and a nation’s rights, are being trampled on. This is not to say that these decisions necessarily come easily: there may be ethical, strategic, stakeholder and political tensions. But the point is that perhaps the most basic societal issue of war and peace – and its governance – enters CSR agendas. Ethical investors are even considering the defense industries as suitable for their assets.
Do Nudges Work In Organisations?
Introduced by Thaler and Sunstein in 2008, nudges have become popular policy tools to change the behaviour of consumers and citizens in desirable ways without compromising their freedom of choice. Their success in public policy domains has sparked the interest of management teams to apply nudges in organisations as means to guide the decisions of employees. However, in comparison to the ever-growing literature on the use of nudges in the public sphere, relatively little is known about their applicability at the workplace.
ESG investing in a changing regulatory environment: investing in active or passive ESG financial products?
The impending climate crisis emphasizes the need to mobilize large-scale investments to finance the transition towards a more sustainable and inclusive economy. The financial sector plays a pivotal role in this context, as it allocates capital from investors who wish to pursue financial and non-financial objectives to corporations and stakeholders who need these resources to […]
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Asia: Then and now
It is both a bit weird and a great honour to be invited to reflect on our paper, “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Asia: A Seven Country Study of CSR Web Site Reporting”. The process has given us a chance to reflect on what we knew then, what we know now, and how much things […]
Institutions matter: The importance of institutional quality when embedding sustainability within the capitalistic realm
Institutions not only structure any sort of social interaction[1], but are also essential in solving societal problems[2], such as climate change and the associated threat towards a fair and just future. It is not without reason that the United Nations particularly emphasized institutional progress within SDG 16[3] to advance to a more effective, inclusive, and accountable […]
Foodback Loop: Developing Sustainable Food Systems for a Circular Society
The Sixth IPCC Assessment Report warns that crops are more frequently lost due to extreme weather conditions than ever before. At the same time, communities across the globe are facing increased – and in many cases acute – food insecurity. Feedback loops in food production may increase future food insecurities While suffering the consequences of […]
Innovation as a Survival Mechanism during the COVID-19 pandemic: Successful examples from the foodservice industry
Innovation fosters creativity and generates growth – especially in times of crisis. The foodservice industry has been hit extremely hard by COVID-19 and the corresponding restrictions and lock-down measures. While many businesses in the foodservice industry struggled to survive, some took the opportunity to innovate. The question is then, what drove businesses to innovate in the […]